Universal Robina Corporation’s Pollution Control Officers Jel Mark Esteban (BCFG Bagong Ilog) and Ricarte Calabucal Jr. (BCFG Nissin-URC Cavite) were among those chosen to receive this year’s “The Outstanding Pollution Control Officer” (TOPCO) award, bestowed by the Pollution Control Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PCAPI).
Jel Mark Esteban of BCFG Bagong Ilog and Ricarte Calabucal Jr. of BCFG Nissin-URC Cavite (second and third from the right) were among The Outstanding Pollution Control Officer (TOPCO) winners.
PCAPI is a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization formed in June 1980 through the initiative of the late National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) Commissioner Gen. Guillermo A. Pecache. The organization works with the government in the protection of the environment and in the prevention, abatement and control of land, air, and water pollution. PCAPI bestows its Environmental Awards in recognition of outstanding achievements by establishments and pollution control officers in the implementation of effective environmental management systems.
Jel Mark Esteban receives his TOPCO award. From left: Manny Ordonez Jr (PCAPI Board of Trustees), Fernando R. Ramos (PCAPI Vice-President and Convention Chair), Engr. Visminda A. Osozio (Assistant Director DENR-EMB), Jel Mark Esteban (PCO BCFG Bagong Ilog Plant), Jeremiah Dwight C. Sebastian (PCAPI President), Dr. Shirlyn C. Reyes (PCAPI Secretary and URC OGS Director), Sheryl Lenn Galas (Corporate EHS Manager) and Sherwin Raquel (Corporate EHS Manager).
URC’s Esteban and Calabucal Jr. earned their respective awards by fulfilling criteria set by PCAPI, which include: actively promoting environmental awareness and pollution prevention in and outside his/her company, implements an effective environmental management system in his/her establishment, and ensuring that his/her company has no violations for the years 2016 to 2018 against any environmental regulation (DENR/LLDA) or other government standard, among others.
Representatives from URC accept the Success Story Environmental Award from PCAPI officers. From left: Manny Ordonez Jr (PCAPI Board of Trustees), Fernando R. Ramos (PCAPI Vice-President and Convention Chair), Engr. Visminda A. Osozio (Assistant Director DENR-EMB), Liberty Garcia (SP2 Plant Manager), Marlene Bartolome (SP2 PCO), Jeremiah Dwight C. Sebastian (PCAPI President), Dr. Shirlyn C. Reyes (PCAPI Secretary and URC OGS Director), Sheryl Lenn Galas (Corporate EHS Manager) and Sherwin Raquel (Corporate EHS Manager).
Apart from getting this honor, URC’s other business units also fared well at the Environmental Awards ceremony. URC San Pedro 2 Plant’s “Water Usage Reduction Program of Potato Line” received the Success Story Environmental Award, while URC BCFG’s Biñan and Bagong Ilog plants received certificates of recognition for their Success Story category entries on water management and wastewater effluent re-use, respectively. URC San Pedro 2 Plant’s entry was praised for its innovative and sustainable approach to water management and its significant contribution to pollution prevention and conservation of natural resources.
This year’s awards ceremony was held on May 8, 2019, and was one of the highlights of the 39th PCAPI National Annual Convention and General Assembly. The three-day convention, held at the Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino from May 8 to 10, 2019, was organized by PCAPI in coordination with the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.